St. Louis’ Radical, Soros-Backed Prosecutor Kim Gardner Is In Hot Water — McCloskeys Are The Least Of Her Problems

St. Louis — We’ve mentioned several times that Saint Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is a far-left radical.  From George Soros putting $78,000 into her campaign fund via a PAC to her radical policies, she’s known in Missouri for her leftism.

But after the incident with Mark and Patricia McCloskey in mid-June, the rest of America learned about Missouri’s radical left prosecuting attorney.  When Gardner brought felony charges against the couple — in a Stand Your Ground state like Missouri — it made national headlines.

Then we reported how Gardner’s office had brought charges against Mrs. McCloskey specifically, even though her gun had been intentionally made inoperable for a court case and thus didn’t meet Missouri’s requirement that a gun be “readily capable of lethal use.”  Gardner’s office ordered the crime lab to fix the gun.  Once it had been reassembled properly, it could shoot  (of course) and THEN she charged Mrs. McCloskey with a felony.  That’s corruption on an entirely new level.

Your Hands Aren’t Clean, Gardner!

But it turns out that Gardner hasn’t played by the letter of the law, herself.  In a Washington Times article it was released that Gardner has taken several trips that she failed to disclose, even though she’s required to do so by law.

She took trips to Portugal, Houston, Selma and New Haven that were never disclosed to her office as the law demands.   Missouri law requires elected officials to disclose any trips they take, either private or in an official capacity, so as to ensure the officials aren’t being ‘wined and dined’ by special interest groups.

Patrick Ishmael of the Show-Me Institute — a Missouri think tank — said that’s exactly why this is suspicious.

“When something isn’t reported, the public has a right to ask, ‘Well, why wasn’t it?’Elected officials have an obligation to be transparent, and that’s especially true related to their duty because the public wants to know their officials are working for the interest and not someone else’s.”

Gardner didn’t disclose ANY trips at all for 2018 and 2019, despite taking SEVERAL trips that were FUNDED by a liberal organization called Fair and Just Prosecution.

Lest Gardner pretend she didn’t know about the law, she DID disclose trips funded by Fair and Just Prosecution in 2017.  In that year, FAJP took Gardner to New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia and Seattle.

Wow…and those are all bastions of conservative thought!

The Rules Don’t Apply To The Left

Fair and Just Prosecution is a rabidly ‘progressive’ organization with a goal of “Criminal Justice Reform.”

Boy, Americans sure have heard a lot about that lately!  No wonder she didn’t want to disclose these trips around the country and around the world on their dime.

Of course, Gardner’s office insists that all this attention to her own violations of the law is “patently absurd” according to a statement released by her office.

“Since shortly after her election, Circuit Attorney Gardner has been an active member in Fair and Just Prosecution’s network of progressive prosecutors. She was invited to participate because of her beliefs, values, and goals. Those goals are in line with FJP’s priorities and the same as policies the Circuit Attorney has promised to deliver for St. Louis since day one. The suggestion that there is any quid pro quo involved here is patently absurd.”

Sure!  Far-left prosecuting attorneys don’t have to follow the law, but the McCloskeys and gun owners do!

We see EXACTLY how patently absurd this is, Ms. Gardner.  We see perfectly clearly what’s going on here.