First Virginia, Now Arizona? Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Organizations Target AZ For 2020 Election Upset

Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety doesn’t hide their agenda: they want to flip every state blue through strategic replacement of key legislators.

It worked in Virginia, where they picked off the weakest Republicans and poured money into their Democrat opponent’s campaign fund.  And now they’re going to try to do the same thing in Arizona.

Bloomberg’s organization is spending $5 million dollars in the state — double what they spent in Virginia.  The money will fund something they’re calling “Gun Sense Majority: Arizona.”

Everytown’s Charlie Kelly said, “We see Arizona as one of the most important battlegrounds for gun safety in the country.”

Some of the money will go to helping Presidential Candidate Joe Biden and Democrat Senate Candidate Mark Kelly.  Kelly is the husband of former U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords.

A Winning Strategy

But they won’t stop with the big races.  No, Everytown’s latest worked in Virginia so they’re trying it all over the country.

They don’t attack the biggest, strongest Republican in the House or Senate and try to take them down in a head-to-head conflict.  No, they find the weakest Republicans in the most contested districts.

After all, who cares if you don’t take out the biggest or most pro-gun legislator if you flip the majority in your favor and leave the pro-gun camp in the minority?

Why does this work?  Because those weakest Republicans are often the most sold-out.  They don’t stand for anything, so there’s hardly any difference to the voters between them and a Democrat challenger.  Principled pro-gun candidates get their voters to stand with them.  But cowards, sellouts, and limp-wristed RINOS don’t inspire anybody to follow them.

Everytown is doing this in Texas, Arizona, and have admitted they’re trying the same thing in Minnesota, Ohio,  Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Bad News For Gun Owners

There another reason that Everytown has chosen Arizona: their state is already heavily divided, politically. We wrote about this earlier this year, when Everytown first announced they were spending $60 million dollars on the 2020 election.

The Arizona House is made up of 60 legislators.  Currently, it’s 31 Republicans and 29 Democrats.  The Senate is made up of 30 senators.  There are 17 Republicans and 13 Democrats.

Those margins aren’t good.  Arizona gun owners, you had better fight like your gun rights depend on it this election!  Otherwise,  there’s no doubt you’re going to lose them like Virginia has!