Dick Move: CEO Admits to Destroying $5 Million in Guns

It’s not exactly news that the current CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods is no friend to gun owners.

But in interviews leading up to the release of his new book, Ed Stack has admitted to destroying more than $5 million dollars’ worth of assault rifles.

During the publicity tour for his new book, “It’s How We Play The Game:  Build a Business.  Take a Stand. Make a Difference” Stack proudly shared this accomplishment.

During an interview on CBS Sunday, Stack shared his thought process from April 2018.

It was just months after the Parkland shooting when Dick’s decided to turn the guns into scrap metal.

“I said, ‘You know what? If we really think these things should be off the street, then we need to destroy them,'” Stack said.

Dick’s had the option to return the guns to their manufacturers.

But instead, Stack wrote the chain “sawed $5 million worth of rifles into scrap.”

There were hints that some guns were destroyed.

Back in 2018, a a Dick’s spokesman said, “We are in the process of destroying all firearms and accessories that are no longer for sale as a result of our February 28th policy change. We are destroying the firearms in accordance with federal guidelines and regulations.”

But gun owners had no idea how far Dick’s was willing to go.

Most gun owners can’t imagine the carnage of $5 million dollars in assault rifles made into junk.  But Stack doesn’t regret it.

He goes on in his book to admit that Dick’s has lost more than a quarter of a billion dollars in sales since taking their anti-gun stance.

Dick’s recently announced that they are considering removing all guns from all 600 of their stores.

They reported that a test run in 100 stores showed the move to be a financial success.

One thing’s for sure.

There’s not one red-blooded gun owner left in America that will give Dick’s a dime.