Michael Bloomberg Drops Out Of Presidential Race After Crushing Defeat On Super Tuesday

Michael Bloomberg announced early Wednesday morning that he is ending his campaign for the presidency.

Bloomberg only ran for three months, but spent more than $405,000,000 dollars.  But after pouring all that money into the election, his Super Tuesday primary results netted him only 31 delegates.   Maybe he was shocked, but no regular bread-and-butter Americans were surprised.

In a statement he released, Bloomberg said, “”I’m a believer in using data to inform decisions. After yesterday’s results, the delegate math has become virtually impossible — and a viable path to the nomination no longer exists.”  Aka, I got my rear handed to me.

Maybe Bloomberg thought that his being a leftist elitist billionaire would go unnoticed.  But gun owners across the country were sounding the alarm after watching what he had done in Virginia.

We Saw His Vision For America And It Was a Nightmare.

Bloomberg put $2.5 million dollars into the election in Virginia and proudly claimed credit for turning the state blue.  Americans watched in horror as the state immediately took a sharp left turn.  The radical left–given more power than ever before by Bloomberg’s new majority–began to file dozens of anti-American bills.  Not just on guns, but on every issue!  They filed bills giving voting rights to felons and illegals, changing the laws so the newly-elected leftists couldn’t be recalled, they advanced LGBTQ bills and more.

Why couldn’t Bloomberg buy himself the presidency?  Because he’d overplayed his hand.  Americans had just had a front row seat to the dumpster fire he started in Virginia.  Nobody wanted to see that happen to their state.

Proud Americans across the country, even those in the Democratic party, are rejecting out of touch billionaires. Especially those who have 24/7 armed security guards but want to take away our gun rights!

Good riddance, Bloomberg.  You can’t buy and election, and you can’t buy friends.  Super Tuesday proved you don’t have either one.