School Security Guard Who Stopped School Shooting With Illegal Gun Won’t Be Charged

Denver, CO–Every once in a while, common sense wins.  That appears to be the case with Shamson Sundara, a  security guard in Denver who accidentally injured two students while trying to stop a mass shooting.

The event took place at a school in a Denver suburb on May 7th, 2019.  Two students took guns they were not legally old enough to own to school and began shooting other students. They killed one student and wounded several others.

What School Shooting in Denver?

You may not remember this school shooting very well, and that’s for two reasons:  Firstly, because it was stopped by a good guy with a gun.  And secondly, the madmen who opened fire on other students were raving leftists.  One of the students was an angry ‘trans man’ who was born a girl.  The other was a young man who had dyed his hair purple.  He liked to post things online that were anti-Christian, anti-Bible, and anti-Trump.    Of course, they weren’t charged with a hate crime because hate crimes only apply when they happen to leftists.

But back to that school shooting.

On that day, school resource officer Shamson Sundara wasn’t supposed to have his personal gun on the premises.  But when he saw the two shooters, Sundara used his gun to threaten one of the shooters.  He then wrestled the other shooter to the ground and detained him.

After subduing the two shooters, Sundara turned to see another man in plain clothing standing around a corner.  He saw the man was pointing a gun barrel around the corner.  With adrenaline pumping, all the Marine vet who served in Afghanistan could see was another threat.  He turned and shot two times to stop the threat.

Unfortunately, the man he shot at was a member of law enforcement in plain clothes.  Far more unfortunately, he missed the man and the two rounds penetrated a wall and struck two students on the other side.  Both students suffered non-life threatening injuries.

Other Parents Recognized He’d Stopped a Massacre

But after the shooting, parents in the school rallied behind Sundara, calling him a hero!   Their outcry is likely what saved Sundara.  If the media had decided to destroy him and his reputation, there isn’t much he could have done.

Thanks to a very supportive community backing him up, the prosecutor agreed not to press charges. Lee Richards, who spoke on behalf of prosecutor Dan May, gave an update: “Although it was illegal for him to have a gun on the premises, our investigation has determined that his actions were in compliance with applicable law.”

Sundara will still have to complete 50 hours of community service.  He’ll also have to participate in a forum with the victims–whatever that includes.

Meanwhile, Sundara’s employer is proud as heck of him.   His boss, Grant Whitus, said, “I’ve been through two school shootings and I understand how difficult they are. We stand behind him 100%.”

Shamson Sundara Day!

We think that Sundara should have a holiday named after him in Colorado instead of community service!  But since these things often don’t go the way they should–and the good guy often gets punished– we’re happy to see that this time, the good guy at least didn’t get screwed.