Northam Declares State of Emergency, Bans Guns at Capital in Richmond, VA

Richmond, VA–Governor Ralph Northam has declared a “temporary emergency” that will ban all weapons from the grounds of Virginia’s Capital Square.  Northam’s move comes ahead of Lobby Day, which is January 20th.   The news was leaked yesterday from two inside staffers who would not disclose their names, but whom the Associated Press had vetted to be legitimate.   It was confirmed today when Northam held a press conference.

We’ll post a video when one is available.

While nobody can pinpoint an exact number, tens of thousands of gun owners from Virginia and other states could be in attendance on Lobby Day.

Northam’s ‘temporary emergency’ will last from Friday, January 17th at 5:00 pm until Tuesday, January 21st at 5:00 pm.

No Amount of Power Is Enough For Leftists

Northam and his Bloomberg-purchased legislators claim that online posts from out of state groups have grown threatening.  They claim that this move is a precaution.

The emergency ban on guns would also include a ban on helmets, shields, and even possibly knives.

This planned announcement would come only days after Democrats used a special rules committee to sidestep procedure and ban guns inside the Capital Building and a nearby legislative office building.  The rules committee had no jurisdiction over the entire Capital building grounds, however, which are under the jurisdiction of the Governor.

Ironically, the Democrats didn’t think through their little trick, and employees and staffers were forced to wait outside the Capital and legislative building for security to check each employee for weapons before they got into the building on Monday.  The employees were lined up around the block.  It was estimated that the short-sighted move had employees waiting outside the building for up to two hours just to get into work.

Still, Northam didn’t mind the egg on Democrat faces after that mistake.  Instead, he intends to plunge headlong into the mess of his own by using his power to ban guns on the entire Capital grounds.

Northam is the Dangerous Radical, Not Gun Owners

Meanwhile, how laughable is this #fakenews narrative?  The man who stomps all over the God-given rights of the citizens of Virginia acts like we’re the ones who might lose control of ourselves?  When Democrats have openly suggested that Northam should call the National Guard on gun owners who won’t comply?  This same Northam who has allocated extra funding for the prison system that he thinks will have to house all the gun owners he intends to arrest?

Yeah, that dangerous radical would have us believe that gun owners are the ones who are unhinged and violent.  Nobody has threatened the use of force outside of Democrat representatives in the government of Virginia.

Millions of gun owners across the nation are aware of how desperate the media is to spin this story.  But with so many eyes on Virginia, a fake news spin of whatever happens in Richmond on the 20th won’t fly this time.