NRA Board Member, Magpul Exec Removed from NRA Committees, cites “Naughty List”

Duane Liptak, the Executive Vice President at Magpul Industries Corp., made a public post on Facebook on July 10th that is upsetting even more gun owners.

In his post, Liptak reveals that he has been on several influential NRA committees in the past, but recently received a letter cutting his participation down significantly.

See the text of his comment, here:

“I’ve been out of the office, but I’m back now. Last year, I was chairman of the education and training committee, I was on military and veterans affairs, and I was on sport shooting and action shooting. I’ve repeatedly requested finance and legislative policy since I started my involvement with the NRA, and I have attended those meetings whenever I could. I guess I’ll have less schedule conflicts to worry about when attending other meetings since I’ve been stripped of all my formal committee assignments except action shooting. I guess at least Julie A. Golob still likes me. 😁 Despite a lot of effort on my part to promote the importance of the organization and remind folks of the capabilities of the NRA that we must preserve as we move forward, I have landed on the “naughty list”. This needs to get sorted out, now.”

Liptak doesn’t mention what he’s said or done that could have led the NRA to make this decision, but on his own Facebook page in a post that was dated January 14, he is mildly unenthused by the NRA’s response to Red Flag laws.

“Of the craziness that has been introduced this session, I fear Red Flag laws have the most threat for slipping past the goalie into law. The NRA strategy is to push this to the states and not have a federal law apart from a mandate that state laws actually respect due process, and I understand the reasoning, but I’d rather not see anything pass, period.”

Liptak was one of MILLIONS of gun owners who thought that the NRA’s handling of Red Flags was weak at best, and a total sellout at worst.

The nuclear reactor meltdown that is the NRA is just going to get worse.

Wayne LaPierre is consolidating all the money and power in his own hands, and silencing anybody who stands in his way or doesn’t support his greedy plan as enthusiastically as he thinks they should.