Intruder Shot Dead, Found Face Down in Pool

San Diego, California — A 38-year-old homeless man was found floating face down in a blood-tainted pool with multiple gunshot wounds.

The man was shot after breaking in and viciously stabbing the 54-year-old homeowner repeatedly in the upper body.

The homeowner’s son sprinted to grab a handgun and engaged the suspect with deadly force.

“I heard the gunshots, it was like three or four gunshots, then screams for help immediately after”, said neighbor Denise Rolla.

Before the suspect took his last breath, he managed to stumble into the backyard only to fall directly into the homeowner’s pool.

“I heard what turned out to be the suspect fall into the pool and then a couple minutes later, you could see blood start to spread out through the pool,” said next door neighbor Andrew Grog.

A gruesome scene, indeed.

The homeless intruder was pronounced dead after being retrieved from the swimming pool.

After extensive hospital care, the homeowner is stable and recovering from his stab wounds.

This violent home invasion comes just one day after the San Diego City Council passed a law requiring homeowners to lock up their guns.

The police are not indicating whether the firearm in this incident was locked up or not.

If it was locked up, it may have almost cost the homeowner’s life.

The irony of this case hitting headlines a day after gun control passed City Council is just amazing.

It goes to show that weapons need to be readily available to fend off threats to your family’s safety.

The homeowner’s son was 20 years old and is not legally able to purchase or carry a firearm.

It’s time to acknowledge that gun control is putting the lives of law-abiding citizens in danger.