Brother of Newtown Victim Running for Office: Pro Trump, Pro Gun Rights

The media rubs our faces in the political pandering of young activists like David Hogg.  Since they were affected by a school shooting, they apparently have a lot to teach the rest of us.

But the national media has ignored the political campaign of one Joseph Theodore “JT” Lewis.

Lewis, only 19 years old, is running for Senate in Connecticut, and his platform highlights the senseless death of his then 6-year-old brother, Jesse Lewis, at Sandy Hook Elementary school in 2012.

But his candidacy is being ignored by the national media because he’s running as a Republican and a Trump supporter, and ‘worst of all’ he isn’t anti-gun.

On the issue of gun control, specifically, Lewis has noted how many politicians have used his family as a convenient photo op, without making students in their schools safer.

He said, “They show up to events to take pictures, and that’s the end of the story,” Lewis said. “I’m absolutely sick and tired of that.”

His ability to see past the lights and camera is where the Parkland Kids and Lewis part ways:  all that the Parkland kids want is more attention.

Leftist Fake News gives them that attention if they cry and beg for more gun control.

But Lewis makes an unpopular but factual point:

“In the 20 years since Columbine, the predominant amount of time has been spent on gun control, and we still have shooting today,” he said.

No gun law would have saved his brother when the shooter, Adam Lanza, was willing to kill his own mother just to steal her gun.

This is where JT Lewis stands out.  He’s determined to make schools safer without pretending that gun control is the only or even best way to do it.

Lewis is a proponent of increasing school security.

Adding bulletproof glass and especially armed guards would make more of a difference than the gun control debate has produced.

“If there had been an armed guard at Sandy Hook, I’m pretty sure my brother would be alive.”

Before we make Lewis into a 2nd Amendment hero, he has said that he would be “open to compromise on measures that enjoy the overwhelming support of the public.”

We hope Lewis realizes that it was that exact sort of thinking that passed so many of the terrible gun control bills we have today…some of which affected his brother.

Gun Free Zones, disarmed teachers, and more harmful laws directly contribute to which victims and locations are targeted and which are not.

Still, Lewis has also gone out of his way to try to get on the Trump train, which he thinks will steam to victory in 2020 because of the successful economic turnaround.

Lewis met with Trump on a round table about gun control in December of 2018, and the two were able to visit and connect in the Oval Office.

“Because of that personal connection, I have to support him,” he said. “Some of the rhetoric needs to be toned down, but he is our president, so he deserves our respect.”

Yeah, this kid sounds far too intelligent, logical, and unemotional to get the attention of our national media.   They only deal in hysterics, fake tears and virtue signaling.

All the best to you, Mr. Lewis, and especially to the gun owners of Connecticut.