Atlanta, Georgia — Spewing the same old lines Socialist Stacey Abrams puts out daily, Massachusetts Democrat Senator, Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren has recorded an endorsement video on behalf of Socialist Stacey.
Long known as a far left, anti-gunner, Warren is looking to inject herself into the Georgia governor’s race with the hope she can curry favor from Abrams and others for what looks like a run for President in 2020.
Scroll down for the endorsement video.
There are almost too many gun control position Pocahontas has staked out during her public life.
Gun confiscation, seizure, ending all private sales, shutting down gun shows, limiting magazine sizes, outlawing ammo owned by tens of millions of Americans, new “mental health mandates”, gun confiscation orders, “red flag” seizures, and so many more.
Sound familiar?
Yeah, sounds exactly like Socialist Stacey Abrams.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Here’s the video of Pocahontas going to bat for Socialist Stacey.
.@elizabethforma: "As #GAGov, Stacey will continue to fight alongside working people to create an economy that works not just for some, but for everyone."
Georgia is ready—but we need all hands on deck to get it done. Join the fight: #TeamAbrams #gapol
— Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) October 3, 2018