Washington, DC — Republican Senate Majority Leader “Cocaine” Mitch McConnell declared on the floor of the United State Senate today that the Senate will be voting on President Donald J. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, this week.
Here are snippets from his speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate this afternoon:
“The goal posts keep shifting. But the goal hasn’t moved an inch. Not an inch.
The goal has been the same all along. So let me make it very clear the time for endless delay and obstruction has come to a close.
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We’ll be voting this week.
The time for endless delay and obstruction has come to a close.
Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is out of committee. We’re considering it here on the floor and … we’ll be voting this week.”
After weeks of Senate hearings and obstructionist delays by Senate Democrats in Washington, DC, it appears Brett Kavanaugh is on the brink of a vote on the floor of the Senate that Republicans have been waiting on and Democrats have dreaded.
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Last week, Arizone RINO Senator Jeff Flake pulled a surprise move in the Senate Judiciary Committee at the last second, working with left-wing Democrats to delay the vote another week, by calling for a one week delay so ANOTHER FBI investigation can take place.
Kavanaugh has previously been cleared by the FBI on SIX different occasions.
If a vote does take place on the floor of the Senate this week, there will be 30 hours of debate, per Senate rules, on the nomination.
Expect the left to go absolutely bananas during this time.
Busing in activists, crazy speeches on the floor of the Senate, and more confrontation with members of the Senate and other elected officials.
.@senatemajldr: "Did our colleague alert the chairman so the Committee could do due diligence in a confidential way, consistent with Dr. Ford's wishes? No, she did not." pic.twitter.com/Ay6TXhP6Ds
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 1, 2018
This is America. Evidence matters. Facts matter. We have never been – and do not wish to be – a society in which a single, uncorroborated allegation can wield veto power over somebody’s life. Everyone deserves better than this. pic.twitter.com/lPazbl1crl
— Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) September 25, 2018
.@SenateMajLdr: "This shameful, shameful smear campaign has hit a new low…Senate Democrats and their allies are trying to destroy a man's personal and professional life on the basis of decades old allegations that are unsubstantiated and uncorroborated." pic.twitter.com/S54m0kcVJM
— Fox News (@FoxNews) September 24, 2018