Here’s The List: Who Voted for Kavanaugh, And Who Voted Against Him

Washington, DC — Earlier today the US Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance President Donald J. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, onto the floor of the Senate.

The final vote was 11-10 to advance out of committee, however, RINO Arizona Senator Jeff “Flaky” Flake cut a deal with Democrats and some weak-kneed Republicans for a one week delay of the floor vote for ANOTHER FBI investigation.

Here is the vote count:

Iowa – Grassley – Yes

Utah – Hatch – Yes

South Carolina – Graham – Yes

Texas- Cornyn – Yes

Utah – Lee – Yes

Texas- Cruz – Yes

Nebraska – Sasse – Yes

Arizona – Flake – Yes (but asked for a week delay for another FBI investigation)

Idaho – Crapo – Yes

North Carolina – Tillis – Yes

Louisiana – Kennedy – Yes

California – Feinstein – No

Vermont – Leahy – No

Illinois – Durbin – No

Rhode Island – Whitehouse – No

Minnesota – Klobuchar – No

Delaware – Coons – No

Connecticut – Blumenthal – No

Hawaii – Hirono – No

New Jersey – Booker – No

California – Harris – No