Watch Nutty Maxine Waters: Trump Will Be Impeached

[email_subscribe]No longer is California Congresswoman Maxine Waters considered “fringe” in the Democrat Party.

What she represents is the mainstream of the left, the far left, which is ranting and raving about impeaching President Trump should they take control of the House of Representatives when January 2019 rolls around.

Democrat Party leader Nancy Pelosi, who no doubt supports impeachment for unknown “crimes”, has in recent months encouraged the base of her party to stop talking about it.


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Because she know tens of millions of Americans have no stomach for it, and she fears American voters will turn against the Democrat Party in November.

But that hasn’t stopped Maxine Waters from spouting off frequently, as you can see here on MSNBC yesterday.

She’s unhinged, crazed, and clearly out of her mind:

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