Communist Party USA Praises Georgia’s Stacey Abrams on Their Website — TWICE

Kennesaw, Georgia — First they called her “Radical Stacey”, then “Extreme Stacey”, then “Socialist Stacey”.

Now can we call her “Comrade Stacey Abrams”?

Our research has uncovered at least two articles linked below hosted on the Communist Party USA website praising Socialist Stacey Abrams.

Here’s a quote from the first article:

“Ben Jealous, Stacey Abrams, Lee Carter, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Andrew Gillum – all of these campaigns, in addition to the teachers’ strikes, ICE blockades, the Medicare For All campaign, the mass movement to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation, and DSA’s rapid growth, give us inspiration about the possibility of moving progressive and left politics to the forefront of the resistance.”

You can read the first article here.  It’s entitled: “Challenges ahead, the wind at our backs”

The second article entitled, “Women in politics 2018”, lauds praise upon Socialist Stacey as well.  It can be read here.

Here’s a quote:

“This year in Georgia, in the deep South, Stacey Abrams could become the first African American woman governor in the nation.

As Communists we should be organizing in these election districts not only for this election but to build a constituency for the long term with a bigger vision of socialism.

We also should nurture and encourage our comrades to be part of this wave of progressive women candidates.”