“AR-15s Should Not Be in the Hands of Civilians”


(Nashville, TN) — Country music “stars” Tim McGraw and Faith Hill made a new call for gun control in a revealing tell-all interview in Billboard Magazine.

Saying the country needed “common sense” gun control, McGraw sought to mask his support for the left-wing gun control agenda by saying:

“Look, I’m a bird hunter — I love to wing-shoot. However, there is some common sense that’s necessary when it comes to gun control.”

McGraw and Hill’s left-wing leanings are not much of a surprise as it is well known that McGraw endorsed Barack Obama in 2008.  At the time, McGraw said:

“My wife and I and our family will do everything we can to support Obama. I like his ideas.”

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And after the Sandy Hook shooting, McGraw pledge to donate proceeds from one of his concerts to a gun-grabbing group called “Sandy Hook Promise”.

By seeking to “never let a crisis go to waste,” McGraw and Hill fall into a long line of left-wingers who seek to use the actions of a mad man to slash the Second Amendment rights of over 300 million Americans.

Of course McGraw and Hill are the ultimate hypocrites, as both of them have armed security surrounded them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Nashville and the country music industry are not immune from the celebrity left-wing non-sense we see out of Hollywood.

Tim and Faith are gun-grabbers through and through.

There’s no other way to say it.

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