6-Year-Old Bags Her First Buck


(Marathon County, WI) –According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 6-year-old Lexis Harris bagged her first buck on day two of the nine-day gun-deer hunt season in Wisconsin.

Sure to drive the snowflakes, gun-grabbers, and environmental wackos crazy, Lexi is simply doing what millions of youngsters do all across the country — HUNT.

However, according to a story in JS Online, in Wisconsin, this was the first children under the age of 10 were allowed to hunt during firearms season:

For the first time, hunters younger than 10 were allowed to hunt during the firearms season as long as they were within arm’s length of an adult.

However, because of a variety of reasons, hunting among youngsters has become less popular over the years.

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Yellow Hammer News quotes author Richard Louv about the deficit our children face in not spending enough time outside:

To paraphrase Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, a highly-informative book about what Louv refers to as “nature deficit disorder”:  When we were growing up, we knew every root and stick and stone on the footpaths behind our houses. Today’s children have never even been on those footpaths.

How true he is.

That’s why it’s vital Second Amendment supporters and others need to make sure our youngsters spend time outside exploring and learning to shoot and hunt.



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